Scalp Inflammation

Scalp Inflammation

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a type of dermatitis that affects the scalp that is probably caused by a yeast infection. Murrays Chemist in Harrow will help you work out the cause of dermatitis and the best cause of scalp inflammation treatment for you.

What is dermatitis?Scalp-Inflammation-Harrow-Wembley-Murrays-Chemist

Dermatitis is any irritated skin. This can be from household cleaning products or an allergic response to jewellery, for example. For dermatitis on the scalp, it is often a yeast that creates the irritation.

Scalp inflammation dermatitis can be mild with dry or flaky skin similar to dandruff. But it can also lead to red, scaly skin with yellow/brown crusting.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis can also affect the face, chest, armpits and groin.

What scalp inflammation treatments are available?

Anti-dandruff or anti-fungal shampoos can help treat this scalp inflammation type of dermatitis. Your pharmacist can suggest effective antifungal shampoos.

Steroid creams are most commonly used to treat most types of dermatitis, including seborrhoeic dermatitis. Your pharmacist can prescribe a stronger steroid cream for your condition, if necessary.

How do I get dermatitis treatment in Harrow?

At Murrays Chemist, we stock a number of dermatitis treatments including treatment shampoos and steroid creams. You can drop into our store on Kenton Road and buy these over the counter.

For more severe cases of scalp dermatitis, you can book a dermatitis appointment with Murrays Chemist to access stronger steroid creams. The pharmacist will assess your scalp and other affected skin patches during your appointment. Then, advise and prescribe treatment that is best for you.

So, book an appointment with Murrays Chemist for your scalp inflammation using our booking calendar below.
